Welcome to Central Otway Landcare Network Inc. (COLN)
Find out About Us
A culturally significant,
biodiverse and agriculturally
productive landscape

One of our groups gatherings!
At a workshop, field day or working bee.
With your friends, family, neighbours and community.
The Central Otway Landcare Network has received funding from the Victorian Government’s 2021- 24 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program to employ a Landcare facilitator from 1 July 2021 until 30 June 2024.
The Victorian Government has provided 2021-24 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program funding to Landcare groups and networks to employ Landcare facilitators to support Landcare and environmental volunteer groups and networks to build capacity and resilience, and to support groups and networks who undertake works for the protection, enhancement and restoration of our land and natural environment.